Project Surface Tension (Suikinkutsu) of  Pezzani (courtesy of Noema Galleria)

The project focuses, as the title suggests, on the restitution of the chemical phenomenon that is highlighted in images in which the falling water forms spherical geometries, which the human eye can hardly grasp.

The Japanese subtitle means the sound of water in the quarry: "I decided to visit the famous Black Castle of Okayama, known as the castle of the Raven, dating back to 1563, but only the cyclopean rocks of that castle are original, while the upper part, all in painted wood black with large gigantic beams, it was rebuilt in 1967 on the ashes of the fire that destroyed it in the last world war. In a small garden, closed within the walls, a hollow bamboo in the shape of a trumpet emerged from the ground that intrigued me, and a hanging tag invited me to listen by placing my ear as per small guide illustrations, similar to hieroglyphs. To my amazement, I listened to music coming from the tube produced by the falling of water drops into a large ceramic amphora buried according to Japanese techniques, called Suikinkutsu.
Today, finally, after years of research I have managed to produce sound images.
Falling drops of water tend to follow the same laws of physics and polar hydrogen bonding as their chemistry, but the factors of possible variants that will then affect the morphology of the forming drops are almost infinite, as if each drop or series of falling drops were unique and clearly distinguishable from all the others.
Putting my ear to the hollow bamboo of the Suinkinkutsu I listened to the musicality of the water falling into the jar hidden from me, with always different and mysterious sounds, but I could not understand the reason well, I imagined small balls of water that always the same fell with a random frequency, singly or in small groups. Today I can better understand the endless Suinkikutsu concert. " Gianni Pezzani